Protect Your Sleep

Protect Your Sleep

Sleep is the most important to safeguard, as it is the time our bodies heal from daytime exposures. If only at night, this is a crucial time to:

1. Turn off the Wi-Fi.

  • Use a timer connected it to a wall socket, either mechanical or digital, but not “smart” 😊
  • Try a Wi-Fi Kill Switch, such as this one from
  • Program your router to turn off at night. Here are directions for Spectrum’s Wi-Fi.

2. Keep your phone out of the bedroom. Use battery-powered alarm clocks instead.
3. Turn off other wireless devices at night and keep them all out of the bedroom.
4. Consider turning off the breakers or using a kill-switch for your bedroom circuit, which will cut much of the electric and magnetic fields from the wiring.

These recommendations are based on the guidance of the Building Biology Institute for Sleep Sanctuaries, found here.