Tech Addiction & Dependence

Tech Addiction & Dependence

While addiction to technology is not our our specialty at SafeTech NC, we recognize that dependence and addiction to devices can seriously impact focus, comprehensive, as well as intercepting efforts to reduce exposure to wireless radiation.

We are grateful for these reliable resources below:

Screen Strong (Families Managing Media & Screen Addition) – This NC-based non-profit organization provides many resources for families around the world.

Victoria Dunckley, MD, Reset Your Childs Brain by reversing the negative effects of screen time (, psychiatrist, screen-time expert, and author of Reset your Child’s Brain: a Four-Week Plan to end Meltdowns, Raise Grades, and Boost Social Skills

Nick Kardaras, PhD,  author of Glow Kids: How Screen Addiction is Hijacking our Kids and Digital Madness: How Big Tech is Driving our Mental Health Pandemic- and the Ancient Prescription for Sanity – slated to be release in Sept, 2022

Dr Kardaras runs several treatment programs around the U.S. to treat screen addiction.

Physicians for Safe Technology has compiled the latest studies on screen addiction here.